We are passionate about the exciting research work that takes place at EI and understand the importance of inspiring the next generation of scientists to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become STEMM professionals. We offer a structured programme of internships and opportunities for varying age groups. Please note that we do not arrange individual work experience opportunities outside of the programmes we offer.
Under 16s.
Year 10 Science Camp
Delivered in partnership with other institutes on the Norwich Research Park (NRP) and administered through the John Innes Centre. The annual 2 week Year 10 Science Camp provides an exciting opportunity to experience life in a scientific lab, doing experiments and exploring the work of some of the world's best plant and microbial scientists.
Student applications are made online via Science Camp and are sifted by a panel of NRP partner representatives.

Post-16 students.
Nuffield Research Placements
The Nuffield Research Placement scheme is open to students in the first year of a post-16 science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) course. Taking place over 2 weeks, between the end of July and August, this is a project focused placement that will involve real challenges set by our scientists.
The Nuffield Foundation administer applications and select candidates according to their selection criteria. This is an excellent way to develop skills and confidence in quantitative and scientific methods. Students can apply online via Nuffield Foundation.

T Level Industry Placements
T Level qualifications are equivalent to three A levels and help students develop the knowledge, attitude and practical skills to progress into skilled employment, an apprenticeship or further higher education study.
As a signatory to the Technician Commitment, we're pleased to support T Levels as an industry placement host. Placements within universities or research institutes help showcase the world of technicians in academia, research, and innovation settings. They also encourage young people to aspire towards and pursue careers in technical roles.
To find out more, visit the T Levels website. Any placements at the Earlham Institute are organised through our partner providers (University Technology College Norfolk and City College Norwich). All prospective students should discuss placement opportunities with their T Level provider in the first instance.

International Undergraduate Summer School
The Undergraduate Summer School is a unique opportunity for undergraduates from all corners of the world to spend eight weeks at the Earlham Institute in collaboration with fellow Norwich Research Park institutes; The Sainsbury Laboratory and the John Innes Centre.

Sponsored Summer Placements.
A number of schemes exist where grants are available to provide financial support for students interested in gaining research experience. Two examples are the Genetics society summer studentship award and the Sainsbury Undergraduate studentship. Such schemes require an academic sponsor and we are interested in hearing from enthusiastic and committed students on how we could partner to develop an exciting project application.
Please visit our Research Groups where you can identify a potential supervisor and a research area of interest. To register your interest please contact the training team.

Year in Industry Programme
This programme offers two placements per academic year, providing undergraduate students with an opportunity to develop skills and experience, supporting future PhD applications and career development. Eligible students are those enrolled on a UK undergraduate degree programme with a placement year, or an integrated Masters with industrial placement.
Student placements run from mid-September to end of August, with project selection taking place mid-October.