Event Science

Meiosis and Beyond

Understanding the genomic processes before, during and after.

Start date: 05 March 2018
End date: 05 March 2018
Time: 09h30 - 15h30
Venue: Earlham Institute
Organiser: Emily Angiolini


Deadline for abstract submission is: Monday 5th February at 17:00 GMT.

Registration deadline: 19 February 2018
Cost: £60

About the event

Meiosis is the necessary consequence of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes. Despite its ubiquity we know relatively little about the genomics of meiosis and what happens before, during and after. 

In this workshop, we aim to summarise the state-of-the-art genomics view on the processes leading to, and resulting from, meiosis across different taxa and identify open questions. We will discuss how the most recent sequencing technologies, including single-cell sequencing technology or long-read, can help us to decipher the unknowns of meiosis.

The workshop will be composed of oral presentations by a combination of invited speakers and delegates and will provide ample space for discussions. The outcome of the workshop will be written up and published as a review or perspective paper with participants as co-authors.

Target Audience:

Researchers using any model system with an interest in processes linked with meiosis, interest in applying recently developed genomic tools and Single-Cell sequencing in particular. Open to everybody.


None though more beneficial if you already have a project in mind in experimental planning stages.

Early Career Researcher Funding: 

We are pleased to announce that support for this event has been received from the Company of Biologists. This means that we can offer a limited number of free registrations to early career researchers. Please send an email to training@earlham.ac.uk with:

  • Two or three sentences about why you wish to attend the event
  • Name of your supervisor/group leader
  • Title of your research thesis or project (preferably include a link to your profile page or group page)


We welcome abstract submissions from all delegates, both early career researchers and experienced. Abstracts should include a title, list of authors with presenting author in bold, affiliations for authors and the main body of the abstract must be no longer than 250 words. Abstracts must be submitted in one of the following file formats: .doc .docx .pdf to training@earlham.ac.uk

Deadline for abstract submission is: Monday 5th February at 17:00 GMT.

Abstracts will be reviewed and successful authors will be contacted within 10 days of submission closing. Abstracts will be selected based on scientific merit and complementarity to the symposium themes. Successful authors will be given a 15 minute slot comprising of 12 minute presentation and 3 minutes for questions. Speakers will be asked to send their presentation in advance, plus to bring a backup copy of the presentation in an appropriate format (either USB or accessible from a download site).

This meeting is supported by a small meeting grant from ‘The Company of Biologists


Register today.

Registration deadline: 19 February 2018

Participation: First come, first served