
Jose A. Carrasco Lopez

BIO Foundry Manager


Jose A. Carrasco Lopez is the manager of the Earlham BIO Foundry. The BIO Foundry provides the UK bioscience community access to automated platforms for nano-scale modular DNA assembly, verification and delivery to plant and microbial cells. It is also able to serve as a repository for large collections of DNA parts.

Jose is a microbiologist and molecular biologist interested in pursuing biotech innovation and new approaches to solve human problems.
Jose obtained his PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology studying the interaction of rhizosphere’s bacteria and legumes as a new tool for heavy metal bioremediation. In post-doctoral research at University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA, he first studied (at Patrik Bavoil lab) the role of the pmp gene family in Chlamydia trachomatis pathogenesis and, later on (at James Galen lab, CVD), developed attenuated Salmonella enterica serovars as live vector vaccine strains.

His experience includes more than 15 years working in the Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology fields, studying host/pathogen interactions, human pathogens, developing vaccines and working with bacteria of industrial interest.