
Kamil Hepak

Visiting Student
Profile photo of Kamil Hepak


I joined the Haerty Group in October 2022 as a postgraduate researcher in bioinformatics; I am now writing my MSc by Research thesis based on the work I've carried out in the group. My research project focuses on developing and applying Muex, a computational pipeline to identify novel microexons from long-read RNA sequence data.

I completed my integrated Master’s degree in Computer Science at Durham University (where I was a proud member of Josephine Butler College), graduating in 2022. My master’s thesis focused on efficient text indexing algorithms for evolutionary distance estimation.

Outside of my research I am passionate about computing infrastructure for research, open and equitable science, education and public engagement, and the movement for improving treatment and recognition of postgraduate researchers and their work.

My hobbies include video games, board games, running, ultimate frisbee, rock music (in all its weird and wonderful varieties and subgenres) and reading.